Source of inspiration
For many creative guests, Mas de la Balma has been a source of inspiration.
Books, which are laid at La Balma, are written, songs are composed, paintings and sculptures are made.
Here you find an overview of art which is made at La Balma or found its inspiration at here.
Mas de la Balma also attracts musicians. On the terrace in front of the Mas often music is made during the evenings. For those who are interested guitars are on loan. There are file indexes with the music and texts of songs.
Musicians easily meet and even compose together. Below you find some things which have their origin on La Balma (Click here for the full song texts)
La Balme (Roger Grégoire)
La Balme version 2 (Roger Grégoire)
Balma Regalade (Français, Pierrot Chantrel)
Balma Regalade (Catalan, traduit par Gilles Borrat)
De maon van la Balma (Ton Custers)
La Balma au clair de la lune (Ton Custers, traduit par Gilles Borrat en J. Philibert)
Le Canigou ( Jean Rozay)
Balma an 2000 (Pierrot, Monique en Magali Chantrel)
Painting (acrylic on wood, 180 x 125 cm) by Heleen Wagemans, 2006
Het verborgen volk.
The hidden people.
Auteur: Josefine AdriaansApril 2009
ISBN: 978-90-484-0530-5
Strange things happen on the grounds of Mas de la Balma in the Pyrenees. While Chiel’s father is looking for a dog that disappeared he discovers the entrance of a cave and then real adventures start. At night Chiel and his girl friend Monique sneak into the cave. When they find their way back blocked mysteriously their only option is to deeper and deeper into the cave. Their perseverance, courage and ingenuity were put to the test vigorously. When everything seems to be lost and they make one last desperate attempt to escape, an unexpected encounter givew their adventure a totally new turn.
This book is tranlated into English and shortly a French version will be published.
More information on this book:
and for the Dutch version: en
Het beest van de Canigou (The beast of the Canigou)
This book won an award of the Children- and youth jury.
A large part of this story is laid on La Balma and its direct surroundings.
This book is in Dutch and is not translated into English.
Here a small English discription:
On his way to the outlying camping site in the Pyrenees the Belgian boy Stefan meets the Dutch girl Petra. The many caves in the area can make their holiday an pleasant and exiting one. But there is trouble brewing. Around the holy mountain of the Canigou a strange bloodthirsty creature roams, who makes victims every night. Before Stefan and Petra realise also their lives are at stake.